The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • symbolizes the subconscious desire to establish partner relationships and the desire to be courted.
  • on water: the possibility of establishing an emotional relationship.
  • on land: the possibility of establishing a relationship motivated by sexual lust or material greed.
  • flying: thoughts of easy acquaintances.
  • roasted: a seductive partnership relationship.
  • eating: the possibility of experiencing a partnership.
  • requiring the dreamer's attention: possibility of establishing a romantic partner relationship.
  • being bit by a duck: an unpleasant intrusion by others awaits the dreamer.
  • biting others: a trait linked to these dream people (personifications) will become an object of interest and even admiration by others.
  • an egg pecked to pieces: someone in mutual relationships is taking control of the dreamer and does not want to allow him to form other friendships, or a current partner relationship is not allowing the dreamer to further develop his being.
  • drake: male vanity, boasting.
  • speaking with a human voice: see Voice.
  • plucked: an attempt to establish a relationship is losing its attractiveness.
  • giving: the dreamer is abandoning the possibility of establishing a partner relationship.
  • sacrificing: if it is for the benefit of unification symbols (e.g. a child) or for the benefit of emotional symbols, then it is a significant act in which we are giving up the desire to become acquainted with someone.
  • establishing relations is sometimes parodied by the unconscious through the very symbol of a duck or drake.
  • shooting ducks: the dreamer gives up the chance to establish a partner relationship, which causes indignation in some people.
  • avoiding ducks: the dreamer is abandoning the possibility of establishing a partner relationship.
  • wanting to catch a duck and not able to catch it: the possibility of establishing a partner relationship is fading away.
  • catching: the dreamer has controlled the subconscious urge to establish partner relations.