The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • links the rational (head) with the physical (body).
  • dreamer catches someone by the neck (even if it's an animal): the dreamer's will controls the trait linked to the personified individual; it is therefore good when he renders negative personifications*65 (see Shadow archetype) harmless with this act; holding a harmless, free-thinking and independent personification by the neck is an evil act and in committing it the dreamer confirms the negative content of his own consciousness.
  • dryness in the throat: lack of feeling
  • an attack to the dreamer's neck: an attempt by the unconscious to separate the rational component (head) from the sensory impulses of the body; this image is very positive for the self-improvement process since it induces initial feelings of the loss of ego thereby preparing the dreamer for a future mystical death*79.
  • anything hanging from the neck of the dreamer or others: an extra weight that prevents a smooth self-improvement process.
  • kisses or touches to the neck: if they cause sexual arousal, the dreamer prefers sensuality linked to the body over anything rational, but if they cause resistance, the dreamer prefers the rational over the physical; only the central path – indifference – raises a person's experience to the emotional level.
  • teeth prepared to bite the neck: sexuality is threatening to disturb the relative balance between reason and sensuality (this is a warning against the complete control of instincts over one's being).
  • animal neck: links physical sensuality with primitive reason; the longer the animal's neck the greater the dreamer's hope to "disrupt" the destructive instinctual link in the name of an emotional person (see individual animals).
  • the dreamer sees others held by the neck: a "duel" of personifications of the dreamer's traits reveal his inner tension and imbalance.
  • worms or other creatures crawling out of the neck: initiated change in the rational understanding of everything physical.
  • a lump on a man's neck: unconscious demonstration of one's female side.
  • a scarf or kerchief on the neck: see Scarf.
  • holding another person around the neck, being held around the neck: the unconscious is emphasizing here the emotional relationship that usually always borders on feelings of ownership of the other person.