The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • belongs to an instinctual and egotistical person who is not able to discern the consequences of his vengeful actions.
  • ignorant people long to have clearly named evil among them and this trait leads to vengeance.
  • of others toward the dreamer: once a person internally learns to forgive, there can appear in his dreams visions of the past, so that in re-experiencing one of the emotionally tense moments of one of his past lives he is able to find forgiveness in his heart and compassion for whom the vengeance is aimed against (for the spiritual person, indifference should follow compassion and forgiveness).
  • when people forget about hatred, anger and the desire for revenge, when they are able to react wisely, with compassion and love in the heart, the dream will change into a paradisal experience, and such an approach should have the same impact on the material world as well.