The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • moving walls, ground, ceiling that threatens the dreamer: clearly a memory of the birth drama with which everyone's consciousness is psychologically imprinted; the only question is when this content will emerge from within; the Basic Perinatal Matrix archetype describes the entire process.
  • threatening plants: a frequent dream, especially in the early stages of the spiritual path when the dreamer does not fully understand the symbols of the spiritual level; the image is a result of emotional bonds of a family nature that prevent safe ascent to the spiritual level of experience; such dreams belong to the UFO – Initiation Ceremonies archetype.
  • playing that you're dead when threatened: the subconscious desire for peace and tranquility; the desire to free oneself from fear and emotional pressures.
  • creatures, people or other beings threatening the dreamer or his loved ones: the rejected instinctual component can threaten the dreamer or his personification until he definitively assimilates it through spiritual detachment (see Shadow archetype).
  • a skeleton threatening the dreamer: often an evil personification of the Shadow archetype*65.
  • a menacing mask, a person in a mask is threatening the dreamer or his friends: personified evil (see Shadow archetype).
  • threatened genitalia: see Castration.
  • a threatening structure: problematic relations or, less frequently, a subconscious reminder of being in the mother's womb when the first contractions began to threaten the existence of the fetus (see Basic Perinatal Matrix archetype).
  • for a very similar symbol see Danger.
  • an emotional or spiritual person should not use any threats (not even for the sake of good) since he would degrade to the instinctual level of experience.
  • as part of extortion: see Extortionist, extorting.
  • verbal or physical: see Conflict.