The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • seen in others or experienced: the unconscious is emphatically warning the dreamer of a current inability to see the impact of his own egotistical behavior in the material and emotional world; a radical change in thinking, feeling and acting is needed to rectify this.
  • being blind: denial, stubbornness, attempt to isolate himself from everything that the dreamer does not want to see.
  • seeing a blind person: the unconscious is advising that the dreamer be less concerned with objects of the material world, limit his desire and try to heal destitute feelings or even awaken inner sight and prophetic talents.
  • regaining sight: the dreamer took the warning from the unconscious seriously and fundamentally changed his mindset to his benefit.
  • temporary (momentary) blindness as well as being blindfolded: symbolizes the emotional level (emotional anima, emotional animus), in which a person is governed by the heart (he does not need sensory vision to make the correct decision).
  • the dreamer is able to do something without looking: this image is synonymous with a familiar path.