The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • receiving a blow or delivering a blow to someone: see Beating, fight.
  • thanking for wounds, pain or injustice: a very important dream since Christ's teachings of non-violence have definitively entered the dreamer's subconscious.
  • hearing repeated wounds (blows): auditory representation of intercourse.
  • singular and intensive: can be similar in meaning to (see) Thunder.
  • blows to the head (feeling or seeing): intended to weaken prevailing rational behavior and strengthen emotional experience; blows knocking down vanity and pride also disrupt the conscious intentions of the dreamer's instinctual component.
  • of a hoof to the ground: reveals hidden symbols or opens an entrance to the underground: wilfully controlled and channeled energy is losing its sexual essence and can enable the dreamer to enter processes taking place in the subconscious.
  • by a hoof to the body (especially in the dreams of women): desire for a passionate lover and a unique erotic experience.