The Dream Book of Self-Knowledge


  • horse meat: a sexual symbol, see Meat.
  • horse manure: see Manure.
  • even though it has an instinctual component, it also contains an essential part of the emotional component and can be a link between instincts and emotions.
  • the horse symbol demonstrates considerable independence and belongs to one of the most accessible symbols of the unconscious, and therefore the mere thought of anything related to horses can "conjure up" a horse in the dream image taking place.
  • riding a horse: symbolizes active progress from the instinctual to the emotional; if, however, the dreamer feels the rhythm from the ride itself (up - down), then the ride is repetitive and the rhythm is a clear allegory of intercourse.
  • holding the reins of a horse: the ability to maintain firm control over dynamic passion (mare – female part, horse – male part) of one's soul.
  • startled, using spurs to startle a horse: the transition from the instinctual to the emotional lacks smoothness and the driving force of the will, and therefore a temporary halt to the knowledge process and a fall to the instinctual looms.
  • a horse retreating from other animals: instincts are gaining strength and the path to emotional horizons will be more complex for the dreamer.
  • attacking hooves of a horse (in women's dreams): desire for a passionate lover and a unique erotic experience.
  • white enhances the positive content of the symbol and black enhances the negative content of a symbol (see color); sometimes the mystical rider of the apocalypse appears on a black horse.
  • falling from a horse, being struck by oncoming horses: pride.
  • hurting a horse, painfully spurring it: symbolizes a disruption of the smooth transition from the instinctual to the emotional, since only a friendly relationship with a horse inexorably leads the dreamer to a full emotional life.
  • a carriage, stagecoach pulled by horses: see Stagecoach, carriage.
  • horse racing: see Race.
  • carriage pulled by horses (as a means of transport): important help in understanding unconscious processes owing to the mastery of traits related to the horse symbol.
  • draft horse, used to work in a field or forest etc.: synonymous with patient, arduous and ultimately even successful work on one's inner self-improvement.
  • riding horse: symbolizes the secret beauty of the knowledge process that does not, however, have a firm basis like the symbol of the draft horse, but the ability to control a riding horse allows for serious emotional problems to be overcome; in a certain sense it can mean a form of transportation such as a car (see Car).
  • circus horse, showing skills: you are refusing knowledge and, instead, boasting of an act that only has significance in a restricted process.
  • horse saddle: provides for safer control of the transition from instincts to emotions and it is therefore good if the dreamer is seated well in the saddle and if it is comfortable for the horse.
  • splendid harness, beautiful saddle or appearance of horse: ascension and success in self-improvement, but beware of pride.
  • feeding a horse (not sugar – see Sugar, sweets, confections): establishing a relationship with an entire matter linked to the symbol of the horse which is not submission to the instinctual but an attempt at knowledge, an attempt at assimilated instincts through emotions.
  • free-ranging horses: joyfulness and open-mindedness.
  • a herd of horses (owning and controlling): confirmation of important success in self-improvement.
  • seeing a herd of horses: a chance for significant success in self-improvement.
  • as part of a ritual or ceremony: the culmination of active progress from instinctual to emotional components.
  • understanding a horse's thoughts, a speaking horse: a very important dream since the dreamer has found a sincere relationship to the transitional symbol of the horse (instincts-emotions) enabling him to understand and control it for the benefit of emotions.
  • a dead horse: this can be a bad sign if it is a miserable journey from the instincts to emotions, or it can be a positive sign if it consists of an ascension to the spiritual level where instinctual and emotional symbolism have already lost meaning.
  • rocking horse: see Rocking chair, horse, swing.
  • a magic horse in fairy tales: while an ordinary horse possesses an instinctual component and is an essential part of the emotional component, which enables it to be a link between instincts and emotions, a magical horse, which is a link between emotions and the spiritual level, shows the path, speaks to us, advises us and sometimes even uses its magical powers to reveal dangers and pitfalls.